In case you are attending BSAC’s Accelerated Decompression Procedure course, you might want to have an electronic version of the dive planning worksheet and the dive slate. The following are templates for LibreOffice and newer versions of Microsoft’s Office that copy the original BSAC sheets published in 2010.
The format is identical except for the cell background colours. The templates are very simple (yet will save you some time) and although they could actually contain formulas to help you calculate the dive plan, they don’t because that would put me on thin ice and in case they would contain a mistake, I don’t want to bear the responsibility for your diving accident. I have created them with a single objective in mind - to have an electronic record (I hate paper!) of my dive planning during the course and to be able to send those plans to my instructor.
- BSAC - Dive Planning Worksheet (Version: 2, File type: .ots)
- BSAC - Dive Slate (Version: 2, File type: .ots)